A 5 segundos truque para Inspire may work for you.

A 5 segundos truque para Inspire may work for you.

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Some studies suggest that CPAP treatment can be associated with weight gain during initial therapy. Weight loss is mainly recommended as an additional treatment alongside other interventions.

Several new devices have been developed to treat obstructive sleep apnea without the need for CPAP. While these therapies are not recommended as first-line treatments, they offer promise to those who don’t find relief with standard approaches.

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that leads to frequent pauses in breathing during sleep, potentially resulting in low oxygen levels, daytime tiredness and other health concerns, such as type 2 diabetes, heart attacks and strokes.

Inspire therapy is an implantable treatment option for people with obstructive sleep apnea who are unable to use or get consistent benefit from continuous positive airway pressure. You might be a candidate for Inspire therapy if:

If disrupted sleep regularly interferes with your daily activities, you should seek professional help to get a diagnosis. Your primary care provider may refer you to a sleep specialist. Sleep specialists can have different backgrounds: They are neurologists, pulmonologists, or psychiatrists specifically trained in sleep medicine.

Reminding yourself of the big picture and your “why” for continuing CPAP therapy is a great way to stay encouraged; surrounding yourself with a strong support system matters: studies suggest that some who started CPAP click here therapy eventually reported symptoms of depression, causing them to give up on CPAP.

and keep the jaw in a position that prevents it from blocking the upper airway. These devices are silent, easy to use, and less expensive than CPAP machines. However, mandibular advancement devices work best for people who have mild OSA or those who experience OSA only when sleeping on their back.

Like you, I also struggled at the beginning of my therapy, but I pushed through it, and I’m very happy with the results.

Bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP or BPAP) offers two different levels of air pressure depending on whether the sleeper is inhaling or exhaling. Both pressure levels are preset by a doctor based on the results of a sleep study.

Cacho, adding that positional therapy tends to work best for those with mild sleep apnea that occurs exclusively during back sleep. This therapy may also be helpful in more severe cases of OSA when combined with other therapeutic options.

There are several surgeries available to help keep airways open by removing tissue or repositioning jaw bones. These surgeries include:

Weight loss can be effective if it’s maintained, but research shows only 5% of overweight individuals with OSA who lose weight keep the weight off. OSA symptoms can also return even if weight loss is maintained.

Based on your unique breathing patterns, the Inspire system delivers mild stimulation to the hypoglossal nerve, which controls the movement of your tongue and other key airway muscles.

If you qualify for Inspire therapy, your Inspire therapy-trained doctor will work with you, the hospital and your insurance company for approval.

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